Fictional Races Wiki
Felblood Elves
Classification Elves, Corrupted
Faction/Affiliation Burning Legion
Character classes Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Warlock
Racial capital Isle of Quel'Danas
Racial leader(s) Kael'Thas Sunstrider
Racial mount Hawkstrider
Homeworld Outland
Primary language(s) Thalassian, Common

Felblood Elves, also known as Fel Elves, are an offshoot race of Blood Elves that have been corrupted by the Burning Legion.


Felblood Elves come in a variety of unusual skin colors, ranging from blue, grey, red, and purple. Their skin is covered in runic tattoos. Two horns sprout from their foreheads, and a pair of small, black-feathered wings protrude from their backs. Their bodies are covered in "cracks" which reveal bright green energy beneath. Beyond these traits, they share many common Elven traits: long, pointed ears, slender frames, etc.

Uniquely among corrupted races, Felblood Elves have hair.


The felblood elves are a group of Kael'thas Sunstrider's most loyal followers, who were rewarded by Kil'jaeden with the gift of being allowed to gorge themselves on demonic blood for days for remaining in Outland, even as many of his blood elves retreated through the Dark Portal.

Felblood Initiates remain behind at the Throne of Kil'jaeden in the Hellfire Peninsula where they feast on siphoned fel energy from Suspended Terrorguards, though many are counted amongst Kael's invading forces on the Isle of Quel'Danas. There, a Felblood named Selin Fireheart can be found in the Magisters' Terrace, while a force known as the Shadowsword resides in the Sunwell Plateau — appearing to be responsible for the capturing of M'uru from the secret chamber beneath the Blood Knight headquarters.
